1 Year Old Room


Lil’ Kiddieland Childcare is devoted to cultivating creative, compassionate, and innovative thinkers. Our enriched programs serve as fundamental components to help achieve that goal. Music and Movement, Math, Science, Dance, Language and Literacy, Dramatic Play, Manipulative Activities, Adventure in Building, and physical fitness are all components of our exceptional enrichment programs. These programs encourage children to explore different avenues of learning

1 Year Old Room

Our 1-year old Program is designed to be an interactive experience between the classroom, the teacher, and the children. Toddlers will be taught to count, formulate sentences, discover their artistic and musical abilities, differentiate between their emotions, and learn about the world around them. Each child’s day is structured into learning blocks that focus on core concepts: physical development and health, language and literacy, creative arts, mathematics, social emotional development, science, and social studies.  Our curriculum helps build the Attention system of your 1-year old brain, in turn preparing them for later school success. We promote healthy brain development through positive relationships and responsive environments helping your child to bond while using our language rich environment to develop their Communication.

Areas of Learning

  • Baby Signs®
  • Social & Creative Development
  • Language Development
  • Independence & Fitness
  • Potty Training (this depends on child readiness)


  • Two crib sheets-labeled with child’s full name written on them
  • Children are required to wear shoes in class
  • A package of baby wipes-labeled (replenish as needed)
  • Blanket-labeled with child’s full name
  • Two changes of clothing (including socks)
  • A package of disposable diapers-labeled (replenish as needed)
  • Covered sippy cups with lids (labeled)


  • Two crib sheets-labeled with child’s full name written on them
  • Two changes of clothing (including socks)
  • Children are required to wear shoes in class
  • A package of disposable diapers-labeled (replenish as needed)
  • A package of baby wipes-labeled (replenish as needed)
  • Covered sippy cups with lids (labeled)
  • Blanket-labeled with child’s full name